When a friend told to me that he has a letter for me to sign, I did sense that it was something related to the recent protests around Maldives on pay cuts. There was a cut in government official’s salaries up to 5-20% to deal with the current economic crises and budget deficit. The pay cut came months after it was raised without allowances by new government. The increased in salary however, was not enough for a person with family and lives in a rented place in Male’. The prices of goods and properties also rose during this time where the increased salaries had a zero impact as a result. But surprisingly, the decrease in civil servants salary while some independent commissions and members of parliament got away without any reduction caused many civil servants to protest against this discrimination. The people who are representing the sentiments of the citizens are enjoying their full high salary and benefits while people who have more responsibilities suffered a reduction in their salary. Additionally, it seems the forecast budget with 4.7 billion deficits does not have a reserve to accommodate increase in salary if any is to happen next year. This contradicts with the president’s promise that a three month survey would be conducted and if economy is recovering then they would increase the salary of civil servants. But so far the action of government does not seem that they have any intention of increasing the salary in near future. As a result of these broken promises, a group of Maldivians are trying to get as many sign as possible to bring the attention of members of parliaments. They are hoping that their elected members may debate the issue in the parliament and willingly accept the reduction in their heavy salary. Moreover, the letters does not specifically say to increase civil servants salary but it says to cut salary of members of parliament so that there will not be differential treatment. Some are reluctant to sign these letters because they know that thing would not change anything as benefits will remain in the hands or powerful. The group argue that if their MP’s did not take action, then people will think twice before they cast their vote in next term. I am not sure if it is going to happen. The votes of people are usually bought by powerful MP’s so whether you like it or not you cast your vote for the MP who you knew once withheld your compliant. One thing I did not like is when people bring the excuse of previous government’s resistance to justify the reluctance of today. But in reality people are not sure what they want now. They wanted change and they brought it, now that they brought the change they regret it. But it is also true ‘we will never know the outcome unless we try’- so here we go again another protest against pay cuts.
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