Ayaan Hirsi Ali, women with deep inconsistency and hidden cause.
Dec 19, 2009
In one of my irregular book shops scanning day, my eyes caught in a book named infidel authored by Ayaan Hirsi Ali. Instantly I went through it is summary, and I could not believe what she wrote about Islam. Indeed, it was expected as she once was brought up as Muslim in one of the failed state which led her to experience a tough time in her childhood. But this is not excuse of what she is exaggerating about Islam. I did not buy the book as I knew I may not be able to take it with me to my home country and also it might boil my blood. Later that day, I browse about her. She was born in Somalia to orthodox Islamic and political family. She wore hijab as a Muslim and her family migrated around Ethiopia, Saudi Arabia and Kenya before she obtained political asylum in Netherlands in 1992, under a political controversy. She denounced Islam after September 11, 2002 attack. She became elected as House of Representatives of Dutch parliament in 2003. The controversies regarding her Dutch citizenship led her to resign from the parliament. More importantly she lives under police protection following the death threat from Islamists group cause of her contribution to the Van Gogh’s movie ‘submission’. Currently she is a fellow in American Enterprise Institute, a conservative think tank. She has been living in the United States since then. She has acquired number of prizes for her outspoken, fearless, courage (that is what West has described her) from the Europe, United States. She has been categorised as a critic of Islam and a feminist. She stand against her belief of women discrimination and other feminist issues in Islam such as female circumcision, child marriage, freedom of expression and so on. She has connected all these social evils to Islam. She has not only criticised Quran, but also the Prophet (pbuh). She worked for assimilation of immigrant population and detaches them from Islamic principles. In one of her debate against Tariq Ramadan, she was only talking about the feminist issues in Islam. I feel she lack a basic knowledge of Islam. She hardly knows what she was talking about. She keep on referring we Muslim, while she is already denounced Islam and named herself as an ‘atheist’. She has no right to call herself Muslim anymore. She also called Tariq Ramadan that he is inconsistent while I find this lady more inconsistent. She took part in the protest against Salam Rushdi’s ‘satanic verse’ and now she is worse than Salman Rushdi. Her controversies against Dutch citizenship and trying to intertwined her childhood experience to religion misleading thousands of people for the sake of fame if cannot be inconsistency, then what other name can we suit it. She worse hijab and now wear western clothes and still is vowing that she has not lost her identity. Come on lady, you already lost your identity when u became Dutch citizen and denounced Islam. I feel she is a puppet of the west who craved for their wealth and material fame. She has fallen for neo-colonialism propaganda and gave up everything good in her. In my opinion she is not a feminist, she is targeting Islam only, she is just desperate for material fame. She calls for freedom of expression and rights of the individual when she is misleading and destroying rights of thousands of Muslims. In social justice, each and everyone is equal. If she can speak exaggerated false statements about a one particular religion and disturb the peace then she had indeed is not worse than a criminal. If her cause was innocent, then she should have not targeted Islam. If she is capable she should know the differences in religious verdicts and social and cultural evils present in societies cause of social agencies. She should have not said that what Bin Laden’s fatwa is presented in Qur’an and is intolerant book. If west has considered her a knowledgeable person, the she should know that anyone can translate verses according to their agenda. If her iman is pure and powerful she could not have fallen for the acts of cowards. She deserves to be punished for causing emotional harm to thousands of people and disrespecting their rights to worship.
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