There was a time when a proud Maldivian can say that Maldives is the most peaceful place on the earth. The tourists preferred Maldives not only because of the white sandy crystal beaches but also the peaceful environment. However if we looked at the recent scenario of Maldives, we cannot agree more that Maldives no longer is heaven on the earth. Crimes are increasing at a high speed that the security forces are unable to trace the criminals due to various reasons. Some claim that the police were not given enough power or due to the nature of the nation it is difficult to find the criminals or lack of efficient law enforcement agencies and also lack of high qualified personnel and equipments.
Maldives never was a place free from violence. There was always a time where there is a group who are disappointed about government, who wanted power, who were deprived of socio-economic needs. These people had a political agenda. Since beginning of 1990s, a new form of criminal activity was born in the Maldivian society which is the use and trade of illegal narcotic substances. People not only use it but also were a means of survival. Though Maldivians did not use high merchandise method, the trade of these narcotics spread all over the Maldives within another five years’ time. The security forces could not do much to stop when it was in its early stage. There came a time when the government only talked about the issue globally like environmental issues. That was when United Nations Office on Drug and Crime mentioned the worst scenario of Maldives drug addicts in their annual report. High percentage of Maldivian youths between the ages 25-35 were addicts and majority of them did not have a permanent job. Still then Maldivian government could not do much to stop it. The drug addicts are either jailed for sometimes and release afterwards or else as they are children they were handed over to their parental care because they cannot be charged. Even with the change in government, the government have not succeeded in addressing to this major issue.
When drug offences were raising that was when the clusters were formed with good intention. It is obvious that people with same wants and thoughts easily get along. The heroine and cigarettes replaced the knives, hockey bats, chains, iron rod and even handmade swords. According to Maldivian constitution civilian cannot hold a gun but anyone with good intention can form a cooperation, clubs, and group. I was unable to find the exact definition and tools which are considered as weapons in Maldives.
The transitions in the groups happened when the Maldives were going through a transition politically. Can we say that these groups were victims of politicians who wanted to achieve their agenda? May be it is true. If we looked at the history of the violence, majority of violence took place to achieve political objective. Majority of radical groups were formed for the purpose of political achievement. These radical groups were radicalised due to the abandonment of their founder members when they needed rehabilitation. I wish I am wrong here. But I cannot stop applying this to recent events happening in Maldives.
Maldivian government cannot achieve any of its objectives if they do not eradicate these epidemics and build healthier society. The violence gives negative impact on the economy. At this world economic crisis Maldives will be affected highly due to its interdependent and lack of much domestic security to use to reduce the effect after all Maldives is not Unites States or did not even try to achieve economic sustainability when they had their chance. It is not easy to deal with a global crisis trying so hard to get foreign investment while domestically you have issues to handle Mr. President.
2 Responses to “Can it be that Easy?”
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Great to have you do some serious blogging!
I agree that we are no longer heaven on the earth or anything close to it. At the rate crimes are excalating now, it wont be long before tourists start averting themselves to other destinations. Once tourism collapses, there will be no economic backbone of the country which will only amplify the existing social issues already threatening to destroy us, as a nation.
I hope something happens and soon!
Good read, looking forward to more.
thanks naju :P
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