Since September 11 attack, Muslim communities became the target of various reformations. The West viewed Islam as a religion in need of reformations because historical concepts in it contradict with the modern developments and resist to changes. On the other hand, some writers challenge these views and argue that it is rather modern phenomenon which causes resistances. Some believed that the seven century Muslim community was more transparent and democratic. Although the followers accepted the pronouncements of the Prophet mainly on day to day activities rather than political aspects, they maintained peace and association among religiously diverse tribal community. However, the existing revivalist and reformist movements emerged due to consequences of the colonisation in 17th -19th century. The unprecedented powers of the state caused the various movements calling for justice and independence. The collapse of bi-polar world following the end of the Cold War emerged independent states in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. These state once isolated due to its communist rules started reforming their political sphere with the help of liberals. The liberals aimed to bring democracy and secularisation to these states in the view of broader agenda of globalising due to the heterogeneity of society. The democracy, where the whole society is represented by government and secularisation where state is separated from religion. These two together create a diverse society where the faith and belief are privatised while creating a contradicting and overlapping incidences.
The democracy and secularisation calls for equal rights to all irrespective of the faith, gender, colour and so on. However, the dark side of globalisation have created a misrepresentation, maldistribution and misrecognition. The minorities find it difficult to accommodate to the changes due to misrepresentation and exercise less economic power and find status inequality. In some societies the minorities are not given equal citizenship status such as in France. Minorities had to abolish their cultural identity to be recognised. Although the constitution says that each and every person has a right to practice their rights, these reservations questioned how secular the state is? Further, also raised the question of how democratic the state is? When they call to separate religion from state, how many have recognised a certain religion as state religion? When they represent the sentiments of the Muslim women, did they ever ask what Muslim women want themselves? Leave us alone and you will find peace in yourself.